Page name: Frank Iero [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-07-29 07:45:42
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Welcome lovely people to the lovely wiki about the one and only Frank Iero guitarist of the one and only My Chemical Romance. Please add your name to the list below if you would like to join. And please don't hesitate to add pictures to the picture page, quotes to the quote page and anything else you would like.


"Popsicles should be the new black and then everyone could have one!" Frank Iero


Frank pictures


[~/xCurley x Jeffersonx\~] Owner, but its prurdy much a do what you want kinda wiki, I'm not gonna password protect the page so do what you want with it, so long as you ask :)



[022590] I'd addvise you all to visit We Heart gerard Way. (I'm also an owner for that wiki) Fuck, they're all hott.

[X_Who_Am_ I _Today_X]I Fucking Think There All To Hawt For There Own Good *kisses them all* tee hee/b>

[d0n3]I love Frank..well actually evryone in MCR but Frankie is the one i love teh most ^_^

[laugh insanely] <3 Frank = the best <3 But yeah, you godda love them all ^^

[Lell] i so totally love him! oh my damn sexy *^_^*

[sXe=clean punk] I love frank! oh so hot! and he kicks Ass!!!

[xXxPansyxXx] Iero iz mi Hero!!!


<b>A banner made by the one and only [~/xCurley x Jeffersonx\~] aka me!!!


Please go and joing Gerard Way if you like Gerard. Thats a fab wiki page people so go join now!

Also please join We heart Gerard Way cause thats a fab wiki too.

Toodle pip. [~/xCurley x Jeffersonx\~] xx

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2005-08-03 [~/xCurley x Jeffersonx\~]: I'm lonely!

2005-08-04 [..:Tora:..]: I am a major fan of MCR...can I please join...I am so in love with them...i saw one of the concerts when they opened for greenday and i'm hoping to go to warped tour...

2005-08-04 [~/xCurley x Jeffersonx\~]: Yey! Sure thing. I'm making a banner now btw. :D

2005-08-04 [..:Tora:..]: okay...Awesome!

2005-08-04 [~/xCurley x Jeffersonx\~]: Yey! And don't forget to tell your friends!

2005-08-04 [..:Tora:..]: I wont...Off to tell them all right now!

2005-08-04 [~/xCurley x Jeffersonx\~]: Thank you! I've got the banner up now! Look at Gerard in the background he's like 'What the hell am a meant to do with a banannana!' I totally can't spell

2005-08-04 [..:Tora:..]: Lol...thats okay...just think of that song by gwen stefani this shit is bananas i know...Gerard is so hott and so is Frank

2005-08-04 [~/xCurley x Jeffersonx\~]: I totally can't decide who I like best. I love that song

2005-08-04 [..:Tora:..]: I know me too...and I cant decide either its so hard!

2005-08-04 [Ambuhh.]: Wonderful idea to make this wiki hun...i am deeply in debt to you!! ^_^ *hugs*

2005-08-04 [~/xCurley x Jeffersonx\~]: No worries. I like making wikis anyway and my other wiki aren't exactly lively lol.

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